
Web Dashboard service (WD) is a Kaa platform component intended for data visualization and analytics. It provides a user interface for interactions with other services.


The main component of the WD service is the dashboard. Dashboard is a configurable container for the WD widgets. You can configure and customize both the dashboard and the widgets. See Configuration.



A dashboard is a workspace on a separate page that gives a current summary of key information relating to current context in graphic, easy-to-read form. Every dashboard organizes smaller components (widgets) to give the ability for a user to perform different operations such as data visualization, controlling devices, orchestration over-the-air software updates and so on. Dashboards navigation is provided with sidebar menu, breadcrumbs and by widgets such as EP List (clicking on the rows of the tables).


A widget is a component of an interface that enables a user to perform a function or access key data.

WD provides built-in widgets for easy-of-use, below you can find the list of those default widgets separated by categories:

EP management

Endpoint management functionality of WD is implemented through communication with the Endpoint Register service—this allows the user to view, add, update and delete data for a single endpoint.

Widget name Description View
EP Label Displays custom image containing labels that represent EP-related data. Image
EP List Displays detailed information about all endpoints within the application. Table
EP Metadata Allows viewing and managing data from a single endpoint. Table

EP Time Series

WD can receive both real-time and historical time series data. For this purpose, WD communicates with EP Time Series service, or a compatible implementation thereof, by using the [EPTS API][EPTS API].

Widget name Description View
EP Label Displays custom image containing labels that represent EP-related data. Image
Gauge Displays the last data point from the time series of a single endpoint. Gauge
Map Displays endpoint current location and the locations history for multiple endpoints. Map
Multi Series Chart Displays data from multiple time series sources and EPs. Graph
Time Series Table Displays real-time telemetry data from a single endpoint. Table

Endpoint filter management

Widget name Description View
EP Filter Details Displays current filter status. Form
EP Filter List Displays all filters in the application and their details. Table

Over-the-air software updates

Over-the-air software updates functionality of WD is implemented through communication with the Over-the-air Orchestrator service. A user can add and view software definitions.

Widget name Description View
Software list View and create software updates and their details. Table
Software version details Displays details of certain software version in the application with update ability. Form

Configuration management

Configuration management is essential for controlling the device behavior, managing data processing parameters, edge analytics, feature flagging, and other functions. For this purpose, WD communicates with Endpoint Configuration Repository service.

Widget name Description View
EP Configuration Allows viewing and editing configurations of EPs. Schema

Credentials management

You can use credential management APIs to provision, suspend, or revoke access. This functionality is implemented through communication with the Credential Management service.

Widget name Description View
EP Token Status Displays EP current token status. Form

Command execution

Command execution is the feature that allows delivering messages with the arbitrary payload to connected devices, execute commands, and receive near-real-time responses. WD communicates with Remote Command Invocation service

Widget name Description View
Control Displays current state and execute commands on a single endpoint. Button


Widget name Description View
Raw HTML Displays custom HTML fragment. HTML

Announcement banner

This is a component that you can use to notify your users about important events and activities. When configured, the banner appears at the top of every screen of wd. You can find configuration for the announcement banner here.


WD uses UMA standard for restricting access to individual dashboards.

Cluster administrator must manually create resources for each dashboard and define a scope named dashboard:read. Resource ID must be a string matching regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9\-]+ and needs to be defined in the configuration for each dashboard.

You can find information about all configuration properties on Configuration page.

Below is an example configuration snippet that defines a dashboard:

- note: "Example dashboard"
  path: /
  isTopLevel: false
  dashboardResourceId: dashboard-example

Resource scopes

WD expects standard Kaa resources to have a specific resource type set. For example, endpoint resource should have a resource type set to endpoint.

See all mappings in the following table:

Kaa entity type Identitiy provider’s resource type
Dashboard dashboard
Endpoint endpoint
Filter filter
Solution solution
Application application

In order to access this dashboard, authenticated user will be required to have dashboard:read scope on the resource with ID dashboard-example or error 404 will be displayed.

Theme customization

WD theme can be customized to match your brand style guide. More information here.

Dashboard Dashboard