

Allows a user to execute commands on an endpoint and view their execution results.

control widget

  type: control

Widget configuration

Control widget has the following configuration:

- config:                      # Config definition. REQUIRED.
     title:                    # Widget title text.
     displayTitle: true        # Indicates whether to display widget title text.
     iconPath:                 # Path to icon.
    type: control              # Config type. Must always equal "control" for this widget type. REQUIRED.
    icons:                     # Conditional list of icons.
      - key: '0'               # Each key must correspond to the available endpoint status.
        icon:                  # Icon URL that relates to defined endpoint status.
      - key: '1'
      - key: 'default'         # Default key for cases when status binding is unnecessary.
    statusFetching:            # Describes source of the current endpoint status.
      serviceName:             # Name of EPTS or EPR service instance. REQUIRED.
      dataPath:                # JSON path to the value contained in the data point. REQUIRED.
      endpoint:                # Takes value of ${} to fetch the data for the current endpoint on the
                               # dashboard or a pre-defined endpoint ID for any available endpoint. REQUIRED.
      timeSeriesName:          # Name of time series to get data from. REQUIRED for EPTS.
      updateInterval:          # Period for querying data from the data source, in seconds. 
                               # If not defined only initial status would sync without interval updates.
    action:                    # Describes integration with command invocation service. REQUIRED.
      service:                 # Name of RCI service instance.
      dataPath:                # Path to command invocation result in response object of RCI service instance.
      commands:                # Conditional list of commands. REQUIRED.
        - key: '0'             # Each key must be equal to available endpoint status, and the value must be list of commands.
          commandType:         # Represents the type of the command client wants to invoke on the endpoint.
          body:                # Body of the request. Can be any valid object that is meaningful for the target endpoint.
        - key: '1'                         
        - key: 'default'       # Default key for cases when status binding is unnecessary.
    labels:                    # Conditional list of commands.
      - key: '0'               # Each key must be equal to available endpoint status, and the value must be list of labels.
        status:                # Label that describes current status of the endpoint.
        action:                # Label for action that will perform on click.
      - key: '1'
      - key: 'default'         # Default key for cases when status binding is unnecessary.

Example configuration

Below is an example of minimal valid configuration. It renders the Control widget for a vehicle engine application:

- config:
    type: control
      title: Engine                  
      displayTitle: true 
      iconPath: /img/setpoint.svg          
      - key: '0'
        icon: 
      - key: '1'
        icon: 
      serviceName: epts
      dataPath: value
      endpoint: '${}'
      timeSeriesName: ignitionStatus
      updateInterval: 3
      service: rci
        - key: '0' 
          commandType: start
        - key: '1'
          commandType: stop
      - key: '0' 
        status: Engine off
        action: start engine
      - key: '1'
        status: Engine on
        action: stop engine


Control supports a number of service interfaces to perform its functional role. The key supported interfaces are summarized in the following diagram.

Control interfaces diagram

For service communication, WD widgets mainly use REST APIs.