EP Metadata


EP Metadata widget allows a user to view, add, edit and delete metadata fields for individual endpoints.


  type: metadata

Widget configuration

EP Metadata widget has the following configuration:

    title:                     # Widget title text.
    displayTitle: true         # Indicates whether to display widget title text.
    iconPath:                  # Path to icon.
  type: metadata               # Widget type. Must always equal "metadata" for this widget type. REQUIRED.
    service: epr               # Name of EPR service instance. REQUIRED.
  fields:                      # List of the fields. REQUIRED.
    - path: endpointId         # Key of the value in endpoint description. REQUIRED.
      displayName: EndpointId  # Displays field name.
      isEditable: true         # Boolean that allows/disallows to edit field. By default, false, if allEditable was not setted.
      dataType: number         # Data type for the value if the value is editable. Supported values are "string", "number", "boolean".
  allFields: true              # Is false by default. Specifies whether to show fields other than specified. REQUIRED.
  allEditable: true            # Is false by default. Specifies whether to allow editing of the fields other than specified.

For endpointId and createdDate properties, the section should not be specified.

If the field with the corresponding name is not found in endpoint description, No data available message will be shown for the value.

Metadata fields example

For example, your widget has the following configuration:

  - name: a21
    displayName: My value

Then your endpoint will have the following metadata:

"metadata": {
  "a11": 11,
  "a12": 12,
  "a21": 21,
  "a22": 22

The widget will show the fields in the following order:

"a11": 11
"a21": 21

As field “a21” matches “a.*1” expression, it is ignored for “a21”.

Display name

By default, each field in the metadata widget is shown with its original field name. Property displayName in the field definition overrides this.

  - path: metadata.value-1         # This will be shown as "Value-1"
    displayName: Value-1
  - path: metadata.value-2         # This will be shown as "value-2"

Edit field

Metadata widget allows editing metadata fields. To make metadata field editable, set isEditable property in the field definition to true. By default, all fields are non-editable.

This does not apply to endpointID and createdDate because they are immutable. For the other fields, isEditable indicates if their values can be edited from the widget UI.

  - path: createdDate
    isEditable: true    # Will be ignored
  - path: metadata.some_key
    isEditable: true    # Will show metadata.some_key

Data type

For editable fields you can specify a data type for new and edited values. Supported data types are:

  • string
  • number

By default, all values are strings.

Delete field

If allEditable property is set to true, then the displayed fields can be deleted. The fields are removed from the endpoint metadata on EPR.

Example configurations

Minimal valid configuration for EP Metadata widget:

- config:
      title: Metadata
      displayTitle: true
    type: metadata
    service: epr
    allFields: true
    allEditable: true
      - path: endpointId
        displayName: EndpointId
        dataType: string
        isEditable: false
      - path: createdDate
        displayName: Registered
        isEditable: false
        dataType: string
      - path: metadata.areaID
        displayName: Area ID
        dataType: string
        isEditable: true
      - path: metadata.vendor
        displayName: Vendor
        dataType: string
        isEditable: true


EP Metadata supports a number of service interfaces to perform its functional role. The key supported interfaces are summarized in the following diagram.

EP Metadata interfaces diagram

For service communication, WD widgets mainly use REST APIs.