Software version details


Software Version Details widget allows viewing and editing of software version details.


  type: softwareVersionDetails

Widget configuration

Software version detail has the following configuration:

    title:                 # Widget title text.
    displayTitle:          # Indicates whether to display widget title text.
    iconPath:              # Path to icon.
  type:                    # Config type. Must always equal "softwareVersionDetails" for this widget type. REQUIRED.
  service:                 # Name of OTAO service instance. REQUIRED.
  applicationName:         # Application name.
  applicationVersionName:  # Application version name.
  filters:                 # Object with endpoint registry service configuration.
    service:               # Name of EPR service instance. REQUIRED.
    applicationName:       # Application name.
  schema:                  # JSON schema object in YAML format that describes additional fields of software definition update form.

Schema example

Sample valid JSON schema for endpoint’s creation form:

  type: object                  # Root type of schema. Available value is 'object'.
  properties:                   # List of props.
    referencePressure:          # Key of metadata field.
      type: number              # Type of field. Available values are 'number', 'string', 'boolean'.
      name: Reference Pressure  # Field label.
      type: number
      name: Reporting Period
  order:                        # Array that defines order of fields in the form
    - upgradableFrom
    - softwareVersion   

See example configuration below.

  type: softwareVersionDetails
    title: Software version details
  applicationName: environment
  applicationVersionName: environment-ver-1
  service: otao
    service: epr
    applicationName: environment
  softwareVersion: '${}'    


Software Version Details supports a number of service interfaces to perform its functional role. The key supported interfaces are summarized in the following diagram.

Software Version Details interfaces diagram

For service communication, WD widgets mainly use REST APIs.