Time Series Table

Time Series table widget displays endpoint time series data in real time.

  type: rawTelemetry

Widget configuration

Time Series table widget has the following configuration:

  config:                   # REQUIRED.
      title:                # Widget title text.
      displayTitle: true    # Indicates whether to display widget title text.
      iconPath:             # Path to icon.
    type:                   # Widget type. Must always equal "rawTelemetry" for this type of widget. REQUIRED.
    serviceIntegration:     # Service integration settings. REQUIRED.
      service:              # EPTS service instance name to get data from. REQUIRED.
      appName:              # Application name to filter configurable time series. REQUIRED
      timeSeriesName:       # Time series name to get data from. REQUIRED.
      showLast:             # Overrides the time period of the data to be fetched (last 1 hour by default).
    columns:                # Columns to be displayed in the current table. REQUIRED.
      - display:            # Display name in the table column. REQUIRED.
        text:               # Array of common values or paths to the value (must be wrapped with "${}" symbols)
                            # contained in the EPTS service response. REQUIRED.

Example configuration

Below is an example of a minimal valid configuration that renders a Time Series table widget for the endpoint dashboard.

    title: Server logs
    displayTitle: true
  type: rawTelemetry
    service: epts
    timeSeriesName: logs
  - text: 
      - ${timestamp}
    display: Timestamp
  - text:
      - ${value}
    display: Message


Time Series table supports a number of service interfaces to perform its functional role. The key supported interfaces are summarized in the following diagram.

Time Series table interfaces diagram

For service communication, WD widgets mainly use REST APIs.