affinity |
object |
{} |
annotations.deployment |
object |
{} |
annotations.pod |
object |
{} |
config |
object |
{"args":["-l","info"]} |
Service config |
env |
object |
{} |
Defines the environment variables that Kubernetes passes to the service replica. |
extraPodSpecs.automountServiceAccountToken |
bool |
false |
fullnameOverride |
string |
"" |
global.image.pullSecrets |
list |
[] |
List of image pull secret names. Each must be defined as a record with the name field. Overrides image.pullSecrets . |
global.keycloak.baseUrl |
string |
"" |
Auth provider base URL. Required. |
global.keycloak.password |
string |
"" |
Auth provider password. Required. |
global.keycloak.realm |
string |
"" |
Auth provider realm. Required. |
global.keycloak.username |
string |
"" |
Auth provider username. Required. |
global.postgresql.url |
string |
"" |
Postgres database URL. |
global.redis.url |
string |
"" |
Redis database URL. |
image.pullPolicy |
string |
"IfNotPresent" |
Docker image pull policy. |
image.pullSecrets |
list |
[] |
List of image pull secret names. Each must be defined as a record with the name field. |
image.repository |
string |
"" |
Docker image repository image URL. |
image.tag |
string |
"" |
Docker image tag version to pull and run. |
ingress.annotations |
object |
{} |
You can use annotations to attach metadata to Kubernetes objects. |
ingress.enabled |
bool |
false |
ingress.hosts |
list |
["chart-example.local"] |
hosts must match the content of an incoming request before the load balancer directs traffic to the referenced Service. |
ingress.paths |
list |
[] |
paths must match the content of an incoming request before the load balancer directs traffic to the referenced Service. |
ingress.tls |
list |
[] |
Utilize TLS backend in ingress |
metadata.component |
string |
"backend" |
metadata.partOf |
string |
"kaa" |
nameOverride |
string |
"" |
nodeSelector |
object |
{} |
postgresql.cluster.enabled |
bool |
false |
postgresql.enabled |
bool |
true |
postgresql.master.persistence.enabled |
bool |
false |
postgresql.nameOverride |
string |
"tenant-manager-postgresql" |
postgresql.postgresDatabase |
string |
"tenant-manager" |
postgresql.postgresPassword |
string |
"postgres" |
postgresql.postgresUser |
string |
"tenant-manager" |
postgresql.url |
string |
"-" |
postgresql.urlOverride |
string |
"" |
Postgresql URL. Overrides global.postgresql.url and postgresql.url . |
probes.enabled |
bool |
true |
Enables liveness, readiness, and startup probes for containers. |
probes.liveness.initialDelaySeconds |
int |
300 |
probes.liveness.periodSeconds |
int |
3 |
probes.readiness.initialDelaySeconds |
int |
10 |
probes.readiness.periodSeconds |
int |
5 |
redis.cluster.enabled |
bool |
false |
redis.enabled |
bool |
true |
For detailed info please look in |
redis.master.persistence.enabled |
bool |
false |
redis.url |
string |
"--master" |
Redis url |
redis.urlOverride |
string |
"" |
Redis URL. Overrides global.redis.url and redis.url . |
redis.usePassword |
bool |
false |
replicaCount |
int |
1 |
The number of service instance replicas to run. |
resources.limits.cpu |
int |
2 |
resources.limits.memory |
string |
"700Mi" |
resources.requests.cpu |
string |
"200m" |
resources.requests.memory |
string |
"700Mi" |
securityContext |
object |
{} |
service.externalIPs |
list |
[] |
service.loadBalancerIP |
string |
"" |
service.port |
int |
80 |
Port of running Tenant Manager |
service.type |
string |
"ClusterIP" |
Kubernetes Service type |
terminationMessagePolicy |
string |
"FallbackToLogsOnError" |
Kubernetes termination message policy. |
tolerations |
list |
[] |
updateStrategy.type |
string |
"RollingUpdate" |
Deployment update strategy. |
waitContainers.curl.image |
string |
"" |
waitContainers.curl.tag |
string |
"0.0.2" |
waitContainers.enabled |
bool |
true |
Waiting for dependent on services. |
waitContainers.timeout |
int |
300 |
Waiting for dependent on services in seconds. |