The dashboard is one of the basic components of a WD service instance - basically it’s a web page that contains widgets. Conceptually, dashboards can be of two types: generic and entity-related (endpoint, software, filter, etc.). There are some widgets which can be placed on the dashboard of any type and there widgets which are supposed to work only on an entity-related dashboard.
The core idea of the generic dashboard is that it is not attached to any resource entity type (i.e. endpoint, filter etc.). An example route of such a dashboard: /new-dashboard/devices
The widgets listed below work on generic dashboard:
- Endpoint list
- Map
- Filter list
- Software list
- Configuration
- Gauge
- Metadata
- Multi series chart
- Raw HTML
- Binary blobs list
- Basic client credentials
- X.509 credentials
- Dashboard controls
- Luminance
- Endpoint orientation
Entity-related dashboards are assigned to the specific entity. An example route of such a dashboard: /new-dashboard/devices/:endpointId
The widgets listed below work on entity-related dashboard:
- Endpoint list
- Endpoint location
- Gauge
- Metadata
- Multi series chart
- Raw HTML
- Command execution
- Endpoint label
- Endpoint token status
- Filter details
- Software version details
- Binary blobs list
- Dashboard controls
- Luminance
- Endpoint orientation
Entity-related dashboards are reachable directly by link or from within the generic dashboard using one of the widgets listed below: