All Kaa services, including IAM, are distributed as Helm charts. You can run these charts using Kubernetes.
These steps should be done once for your entire Kaa cluster in Kubernetes.
Install Helm client.
Create a Kaa license secret (remember to put in your Kaa license key file contents and password):
export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace # Prevent saving your key password in the shell history; note the leading space in the next line
cat << EOF > /tmp/kaa-license.yaml
apiVersion: v1
file: < your license key file contents, base64-encoded >
password: < your license key password >
kind: Secret
name: license
type: Opaque
kubectl create -f /tmp/kaa-license.yaml
- Specify the image pull secret for the official KaaIoT docker registry. To define this secret, use your KaaID credentials:
export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace # Prevent saving your credentials in the shell history; note the leading space in the next line
export KAAID_EMAIL=<your KaaID email, eg.> KAAID_PASSWORD=<your KaaID password>
kubectl create secret docker-registry kaaid --docker-username=$KAAID_EMAIL --docker-email=$KAAID_EMAIL --docker-password=$KAAID_PASSWORD
- Add the KaaIoT Helm repository:
helm repo add kaa-museum
Once you have completed the preparation steps, everything is ready for deploying IAM on your Kubernetes cluster. To deploy the service, run the following command (observe the reference to the previously created license secret):
helm install --set global.license.existingSecret=license kaa-museum/iam --name kaa-iam
Check that pods are running:
kubectl get pods
Once the service initialization is complete, you should observe the output similar to the below:
kaa-iam 1/1 Running 0 2m
Chart Requirements
Repository | Name | Version |
@bitnami | postgresql | 10.1.1 |
@kaa | service-chart | 0.0.36 |
Chart Values
Key | Type | Default | Description |
affinity | object | {} |
Schedulable node selection affinity constraints. |
annotations.deployment | object | {} |
Deployment annotations. |
annotations.pod | object | {} |
Pod template annotations. |
config | string | "" |
Content for the service config map, automatically mounted as a config file into the pod. |
env | object | {} |
Defines the environment variables that Kubernetes passes to the service replica. |
extraPodSpecs.automountServiceAccountToken | bool | false |
Enables service account API credentials automounting inside the pod. |
fullnameOverride | string | "" |
Completely replaces the generated chart name. |
global.image.pullSecrets | list | [] |
List of image pull secret names. Each must be defined as a record with the name field. |
global.keycloak.backend.existingSecret | string | "-keycloak-backend" |
Keycloak backend client credentials secret with two keys: client-id and client-secret . |
global.keycloak.privateUrl | string | "-keycloak" |
Keycloak private in-cluster URL. |
global.keycloak.publicUrl | string | "-keycloak" |
Keycloak public URL. |
global.license.existingSecret | string | "-kaa-license" |
Name of the license secret, which must contain two base64-encoded fields: file (license file contents in PKCS #12) and password . |
global.monitoring.enabled | bool | false |
Enables Prometheus monitoring. |
global.nats.url | string | "" |
global.postgresql.existingSecret | string | "" |
Name of an existing Kubernetes secret containing PostgreSQL admin and user passwords (with postgresql-postgres-password and postgresql-password secret keys, respectively). |
image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Docker image pull policy. |
image.pullSecrets | list | [] |
List of image pull secret names. Each must be defined as a record with the name field. Overrides global.image.pullSecrets . |
image.repository | string | "" |
Docker registry image URL. |
image.tag | string | "" |
Docker image tag version to pull and run. |
ingress.annotations | string | nil |
Ingress key-value annotations. |
ingress.enabled | bool | false |
Enables Ingress. |
ingress.hosts | list | ["chart-example.local"] |
A list of Ingress hosts. |
ingress.paths | list | [] |
A list of paths. |
ingress.tls | list | [] |
List of host and secret (with TLS private key and certificate) pairs. |
metadata.component | string | "backend" |
The component within the architecture. |
metadata.partOf | string | "kaa" |
The name of a higher level application this one is part of. |
nameOverride | string | "" |
Overrides the name of the chart in the Chart.yaml . |
nodeSelector | object | {} |
Schedulable node selection constraints. |
postgresql.enabled | bool | true |
Enables PostgreSQL chart deployment. |
postgresql.persistence.enabled | bool | true |
Enables Postgres persistence using PVC. |
postgresql.postgresqlDatabase | string | "iam" |
Postgres database name. |
postgresql.postgresqlUsername | string | "iam" |
Postgres username. |
postgresql.replication.enabled | bool | false |
Enables Postgres deployment in replica mode. |
postgresql.service.port | int | 5432 |
PostgreSQL port |
postgresql.url | string | "-" |
PostgreSQL URL. |
probes.enabled | bool | true |
Enables liveness, readiness, and startup probes for containers. |
probes.liveness.initialDelaySeconds | int | 15 |
Liveness probe initial delay in seconds. |
probes.liveness.periodSeconds | int | 15 |
Liveness probe frequency in seconds. |
probes.readiness.initialDelaySeconds | int | 5 |
Readiness probe initial delay in seconds. |
probes.readiness.periodSeconds | int | 15 |
Readiness probe frequency in seconds. |
replicaCount | int | 1 |
The number of service instance replicas to run. |
resources.limits.cpu | int | 1 |
Upper-bound CPU allocated to pod. |
resources.limits.memory | string | "512Mi" |
Upper-bound memory allocated to pod. |
resources.requests.cpu | string | "100m" |
Minimum CPU required by the pod to operate. |
resources.requests.memory | string | "128Mi" |
Minimum memory required by the pod to operate. |
runbookUrl | string | "" |
Runbook url prefix for default rules. |
securityContext | object | {} |
Base container security context. |
service.externalIPs | list | [] |
Kubernetes service external IPs that service is accessed from. |
service.loadBalancerIP | string | "" |
Kubernetes service load balancer IP. |
service.port | int | 80 |
Kubernetes service port. |
service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
Kubernetes service type. |
terminationMessagePolicy | string | "FallbackToLogsOnError" |
Kubernetes termination message policy. |
tolerations | list | [] |
Schedulable tainted node tolerations. |
waitContainers.curl.image | string | "" |
Docker image with cURL . |
waitContainers.curl.tag | string | "0.0.2" |
Docker image tag with cURL . |
waitContainers.enabled | bool | true |
Enables waiting for dependency services. |
waitContainers.timeout | int | 300 |
Wait timeout for dependency services in seconds. |
The keys with no description are standard Kubernetes values. Refer to the official Kubernetes documentation for more information on these.
Environment variables
The table below summarizes the variables supported by the IAM Docker image and provides default values along with descriptions.
Variable name | Default value | Description |
"/srv/iam/service-config.yml" |
Path to the service configuration YAML file inside container. In case of running in Kubernetes, consider using K8s Volumes for externalization. |
"nats://nats:4222" |
NATS connection URLs. May include connection credentials, e.g. "nats://derek:pass@localhost:4222" . |
"" |
PostgreSQL connection host. |
5432 |
PostgreSQL connection port. |
"iam" |
PostgreSQL connection username. |
"iam" |
PostgreSQL connection password. |
"iam" |
PostgreSQL connection database. |
"disable" |
PostgreSQL connection SSL mode ("disable" , "require" , "verify-ca" , "verify-full" ). |
100 |
Maximum number of open connections to PostgreSQL. |
false |
Enables authentication and authorization on REST API endpoints (inbound and outbound API calls). |
false |
Enables multitenancy via integration with the Kaa Tenant Manager. Only effective when is set to true.. |
OAuth 2.0 issuer public URL for the system tenant (“kaa”). | |
OAuth 2.0 issuer private URL for the system tenant (“kaa”). | |
Client ID for making requests in the system tenant scope. | |
Client secret for making requests in the system tenant scope. | |
"http://tenant-manager" |
URL of the Kaa Tenant Manager that provides security configurations for tenants. |
"/run/license/license.p12" |
Path to the Kaa platform license certificate file in PKCS #12 format. |
License certificate password. Required. | |
false |
Enables debug level logging. |
8090 |
Server port to expose application. |
Some of the listed above settings can also be controlled via the configuration options. When set, environment variables take precedence over corresponding configuration file settings.