Installation to Kubenetes cluster

This page provides instructions on installing the Kaa platform to an existing Kubernetes cluster.


Install Docker to your local machine. This is required to be able to run the Kaa installer locally.

Kaa installation profile

Run kaa-installer docker image:

docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash \
  --name kaa-installer  \
  -v ${HOME}/.kube:/home/app/.kube \
  -v ${HOME}/.minikube:${HOME}/.minikube \
  -v ${PWD}/kaa_installer/output:/usr/src/kaa/installer/output \
  -v ${PWD}/kaa_installer/profile_overrides:/usr/src/kaa/installer/profile_overrides \

Output example:

(venv) [OS:none][AWS:default]:/usr/src/kaa/installer

Mounted volumes description:

  • ${PWD}/kaa_installer/profile_overrides:/usr/src/kaa/installer/profile_overrides is used for saving profile overrides in the local filesystem.
  • ${PWD}/kaa_installer/output:/usr/src/kaa/installer/output is used for saving terraform state in the local filesystem (installation state, terraform state, terraform vars).
  • ${HOME}/.kube:/home/app/.kube is used for getting the kubeconfig file.

Following steps will be done inside the docker container console.

Verify that the installer container has access to kubernetes cluster:

kubectl cluster-info

Output example:

Kubernetes master is running at
CoreDNS is running at
kubernetes-dashboard is running at

Fill in the below JSON template and create a profile override file in /usr/src/kaa/installer/profile_overrides for the Kaa installer (you can use any file name):

cat <<EOF > my_profile.json
  "use_kubeconfig": "true",
  "kaa": {
    "release_set": {
      "global.license.createSecret.fileBase64": "",
      "global.license.createSecret.password": "",
      "global.image.pullSecretsCreate.registryUsername": "",
      "global.image.pullSecretsCreate.registryPassword": ""
  "kube_info": {
      "kube_ingress_domain": ""

Description of the template values:

  • global.license.createSecret.fileBase64 - your Kaa license file content, base64 encoded
  • global.license.createSecret.password - your Kaa license file password
  • global.image.pullSecretsCreate.registryUsername - your KaaID login
  • global.image.pullSecretsCreate.registryPassword - your KaaID password
  • kube_ingress_domain - external domain for your Kaa installation

For example:

cat <<EOF > my_profile.json
  "use_kubeconfig": true,
  "kaa": {
    "release_set": {
        "global.license.createSecret.fileBase64": "<your-licence-file-content-base64-encoded>",
        "global.license.createSecret.password": "<license-file-password>",
        "global.image.pullSecretsCreate.registryUsername": "",
        "global.image.pullSecretsCreate.registryPassword": "SeCuReP@ssw0rd"
  "kube_info": {
      "kube_ingress_domain": ""

Kaa thirdparties

Install kaa thirdparties (this step not required if you install minikube ingress addon).

envmanager manager apply --env <environment-name> --profile <profile> --script kaa-thirdparty --state local --cloud kubernetes --profile-override /usr/src/kaa/installer/profile_overrides/my_profile.json

Description of the template values:

  • environment-name - name of your installation
  • profile - your cloud provider name (azure, aws, openstack), for bare-metal installation use non-cloud

State file of the terraform installation will be saved to output/<environment-name>/kaa-thirdparty

Output example:

Apply complete! Resources: 8 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

The state of your infrastructure has been saved to the path
below. This state is required to modify and destroy your
infrastructure, so keep it safe. To inspect the complete state
use the `terraform show` command.

State path: /usr/src/kaa/installer/output/example-env/kaa-thirdparty/terraform.tfstate


certmanager_issuer_repository = [
certmanager_repository = [
dns_note = Don't forget setup dns records for created nginx ingress service
required 2 records (kaa domain, keycloak, domain)

ingress_name = ingress
ingress_namespace = ingress
ingress_repository = [
ingress_revision = 1
kaaid_roles_repository = [
kube_info = {
  "kube_api_ca" = ""
  "kube_api_token" = ""
  "kube_api_url" = ""
  "kube_ingress_domain" = ""
  "kube_lb_supported" = "false"
  "kube_persistence_supported" = "false"
  "kube_version" = ""
  "kube_vm_ips" = [""]
  "master_vm_ips" = [""]
  "worker_vm_ips" = [""]
openebs_repository = [

DNS records

By default the Kaa installation requires 2 DNS A or CNAME records (based on your cloud) for which ingress objects are created:

  • env.<kube_ingress_domain> - used for Kaa UI and REST API
  • auth.<kube_ingress_domain> - used for KeyCloak auth server

For example, for bare metal installation:

kubectl get svc -n ingress ingress-nginx-ingress-controller
NAME                               TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)          AGE
ingress-nginx-ingress-controller   ClusterIP   80/TCP,443/TCP   58d

add records:

  • env.<kube_ingress_domain> A EXTERNAL-IP
  • auth.<kube_ingress_domain> A EXTERNAL-IP

For cloud installation:

kubectl get svc -n ingress ingress-nginx-ingress-controller
NAME                               TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP                                                               PORT(S)                      AGE
ingress-nginx-ingress-controller   LoadBalancer      80:32426/TCP,443:30766/TCP   1d

add records:

  • env.<kube_ingress_domain> CNAME EXTERNAL-IP
  • auth.<kube_ingress_domain> CNAME EXTERNAL-IP

Kaa installation

Now everything is ready to install the Kaa platform.

envmanager manager apply --env <environment-name> --profile <profile> --script kaa-apps --state local --cloud kubernetes --profile-override /usr/src/kaa/installer/profile_overrides/my_profile.json


  • environment-name - name of your installation
  • profile - your profile name (dev- single-node, non-replicated profile for development purpose, prod - three-node, replicated profile for production use),

Terraform installation state will be saved to output/example-env/kaa-apps/.

Output example:

Apply complete! Resources: 11 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

The state of your infrastructure has been saved to the path
below. This state is required to modify and destroy your
infrastructure, so keep it safe. To inspect the complete state
use the `terraform show` command.

State path: /usr/src/kaa/installer/output/example-env/kaa-apps/terraform.tfstate


kaa_name = kaa
kaa_namespace = kaa
kaa_repository = [
kaa_revision = 1
kaa_version = {
  "componets" = {
    "core" = {
      "blueprint" = {
        "building" = "0.0.9"
      "client" = {
        "python-simulator" = "0.1.4"
      "dev-tools" = {
        "keycloak-configurator" = "0.1.16"
      "service" = {
        "cex" = "1.0.13"
        "cm" = "1.0.13"
        "cmx" = "1.0.5"
        "dcx" = "1.0.11"
        "ecr" = "1.0.11"
        "epl" = "1.0.22"
        "epmx" = "1.0.13"
        "epr" = "1.0.15"
        "epts" = "1.0.25"
        "kdca" = "0.0.21"
        "kpc" = "1.0.17"
        "otao" = "1.0.13"
        "rci" = "1.0.7"
        "tekton" = "0.0.37"
        "tsx" = "1.0.4"
        "wd" = "0.0.233"
  "version_repo" = "1.0.390"
kube_info = {
  "kube_api_ca" = ""
  "kube_api_token" = ""
  "kube_api_url" = ""
  "kube_ingress_domain" = ""
  "kube_lb_supported" = "false"
  "kube_persistence_supported" = "false"
  "kube_version" = ""
  "kube_vm_ips" = [""]
  "master_vm_ips" = [""]
  "worker_vm_ips" = [""]


Open the https://env.<kube_ingress_domain> in you browser. The default user and password are admin/admin.

If the web page loads, you have successfuly completed an installation of the Kaa platform on an existing Kubernetes cluster.

The KeyCloak web interface will be available at https://auth.<kube_ingress_domain>. The default user and password are admin/admin.

Platform components’ REST API will be served under https://env.<kube_ingress_domain>. For example: https://env.<kube_ingress_domain>/epr/api/v1/endpoints.

Next steps