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Endpoint Register REST API documentation version v1

Base URL:

  • host: required(string - default: localhost)
  • schema: required(one of http, https - default: http)


Operations on endpoints, metadata management.

/endpoints post get

post /endpoints

Registers a new endpoint within a specified application version.

Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
  • application:endpoint:create
  • endpoint:update

EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.


Media type: application/json

Type: object


  • appVersion: required(object)
    • name: required(string)

      Name of the application version.

  • metadata: optional (object)

    Endpoint metadata.

    • endpointToken: optional (string - pattern: ^[^+#/.]+$)

      Endpoint token. Will be auto-generated if not present.
      Must be application-scope unique. Must not contain plus signs (+), number signs (#), forward slashes (/), or periods (.).

    • endpointId: optional (string - pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9._~-]+$)

      Endpoint ID. Will be auto-generated if not present.
      Must be globally unique. Must contain only URL unreserved characters.

    • relations: optional (array of EndpointRegistrationRelation)

      Endpoint relation with other endpoints. Only one of the directions - either to or from, must be specified in each relation entry. For example, registering an endpoint that represents a room, you can specify two entries with the relation type contains - inbound from the endpoint representing a building (from), and outbound to the endpoint representing a sensor in that room (to).

      Items: EndpointRegistrationRelation

      • type: required(contains)

        Relation type.

      • from: optional (string)

        Endpoint ID having the outbound direction of relation type coming to the registering endpoint.

      • to: optional (string)

        Endpoint ID having the inbound direction of relation type coming from the registering endpoint.


      "appVersion": {
        "name": "bqa46oeg14m0thoh7g0l-v1"
      "metadata": {
        "level": 3,
        "room": 234
      "endpointToken": "a57fe4e77de4",
      "endpointId": "67b27f9b-c4d1-41dc-b21f-2917b74c467a",
      "relations": [
          "type": "contains",
          "to": "f359de38-6763-11ed-9022-0242ac120002"
          "type": "contains",
          "from": "518ab0c0-e505-4062-9f1f-408da7b3ea05"

    HTTP status code 201

    Endpoint successfully registered within the application version.


    • Location: required(string)

      URI in format {schema}://{host}/epr/api/v1/endpoints/{endpointId}



    Media type: application/json

    Type: object


    • token: required(string)

      Endpoint token.

    • status: required(Inactive)

      Status of newly provisioned token is always Inactive.
      Token status will be automatically changed to Active after first successful token validation request.

    • relations: optional (object)

      Represents those relations that were successfully created, and those that failed bo be created for some reason. Is omitted in case all relations were successfully created, or no relations to create were specified in the request.

      • successful: required(array of EndpointRelation)

        Successfully handled relations.

        Items: EndpointRelation

        • type: required(contains)

          Relation type.

        • from: required(string)

          Endpoint ID with the outbound direction of the relation type coming to the endpoint referenced by the to key.

        • to: required(string)

          Endpoint ID with the inbound direction of the relation type coming from the endpoint referenced by the from key.

      • failed: required(array of EndpointRelationWithReason)

        Unsuccessfully handled relations with reason description.

        Items: EndpointRelationWithReason

        • type: required(contains)

          Relation type.

        • from: required(string)

          Endpoint ID with the outbound direction of the relation type coming to the endpoint referenced by the to key.

        • to: required(string)

          Endpoint ID with the inbound direction of the relation type coming from the endpoint referenced by the from key.

        • reason: required(string)

          Reason of the relation creation failure.


      "token": "02226466-e744-48ac-8f0c-a57fe4e77de4",
      "status": "Inactive",
      "relations": {
        "successful": [
            "type": "contains",
            "from": "67b27f9b-c4d1-41dc-b21f-2917b74c467a",
            "to": "f359de38-6763-11ed-9022-0242ac120002"
        "failed": [
            "type": "contains",
            "from": "518ab0c0-e505-4062-9f1f-408da7b3ea05",
            "to": "67b27f9b-c4d1-41dc-b21f-2917b74c467a",
            "message": "Only one inbound relation with relation type [CONTAINS] is allowed"

    HTTP status code 400

    Invalid request.


    Media type: application/json

    Type: object


    • message: required(string)

      Detailed error description.

    HTTP status code 403

    User does not have permissions to perform this operation.

    HTTP status code 404

    Relation endpoint not found or querying user is not authorized for it.

    Secured by oauth_2_0


    • Authorization: optional (string)

      Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

    get /endpoints

    Returns information about endpoints that match query parameters.

    Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
    • endpoint:read

    EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.


    • If-None-Match: optional (string)

      Makes the request conditional.
      The server will send the requested endpoint list with 200 status only if current ETag value doesn't match the specified one.
      Otherwise, 304 Not Modified status will be returned.



    Query Parameters

    • endpointId: optional (string)

      Endpoint identifier, can be one or multiple.


    • applicationName: optional (string)

      Filters endpoints by application name, can be one or multiple.


    • applicationVersionName: optional (string)

      Filters endpoints by application version name.


    • tenantId: optional (string)

      ID of the tenant endpoints belong to.


    • offset: optional (integer)

      Start index that the server should return data from.


    • limit: optional (integer - default: 100)

      Maximum number of items to return. To get all items limit must be 0.


    • metadataFilter: optional (string)

      Filter endpoints by a multiple metadata key-value pairs.
      NOTE Unsafe ASCII characters in the URL must be encoded according to Uniform Resource Locators RFC.


      Only endpoints with metadata keys areaId equal to router01 and type equal to Linux are returned:

      {"areaID": "router01", "type": "Linux"}
    • multiFilter: optional (string)

      Filter endpoints by a metadata.
      NOTE Unsafe ASCII characters in the URL must be encoded according to Uniform Resource Locators RFC.


      Example 1: only endpoints with metadata key OS equal to Linux OR Windows are returned.
      Example 2: only endpoints with metadata key OS equal to Linux AND endpointId NOT equal to 33b29787-d738-41e3-8252-5b9ddd51c65c are returned

      Example 1: {"or": [{"key": "OS", "operator": "IN", "values": ["Linux","Windows"]}]}
      Example 2: {"and": [{"key": "OS", "operator": "IN", "values": ["Linux"]}, {"key": "endpointId", "operator": "NOT_IN", "values": ["33b29787-d738-41e3-8252-5b9ddd51c65c"]}]}
      Example 1: {"and": [{"key": "OS", "operator": "IN_REGEX", "values": ["indow"]}]}
      Example 1: {"and": [{"key": "OS", "operator": "NOT_IN_REGEX", "values": ["indow"]}]}
    • regex: optional (string)

      Regex to match endpoints by. Fields that participate in the match: ID, metadata keys and values, application version name.


    • filterId: optional (string)

      Filter endpoints by matching filter ID(s). If multiple filterId specified, the resultset will contain only endpoints that match all filters. Only querying by the filters with active status is allowed.

    • include: optional (one of metadata, filters)
      • `metadata` – include `metadata` fields and `metadataUpdatedDate` fields in response.
      • `filters` – include `matching_filters` fields in response.

        • By default, no metadata and filters are returned.

    HTTP status code 200

    Endpoints are successfully retrieved.


    • ETag: required(string)

      Represents the current endpoint list state.
      The value can be used in If-Match and If-None-Match headers.




    Media type: application/json

    Type: object


    • totalElements: required(integer)

      Total number of elements available for retrieval. Current response may return only a part of all available elements.

    • content: required(array of Endpoint)

      Items: Endpoint

      • endpointId: required(string)

        Unique identifier of endpoint.

      • createdDate: required(datetime)

        Endpoint registration data in ISO 8601 format (UTC timezone).

      • appName: required(string)

        Application name that endpoint belongs to.

      • appVersion: required(object)

        Information about endpoint registration wthin specific application version.

        • name: required(string)

          Name of the application version.

        • registeredDate: required(datetime)

          Date when endpoint registration data was created within specific application version.

      • metadata: optional (object)

        Endpoint metadata consists of multiple key-value pairs (called fields) where keys are strings, and the values are of any JSON type.

        • metadataUpdatedDate: optional (datetime)

          Timestamp in ISO 8601 format (UTC timezone) showing when the endpoint metadata was last updated.

        • filters: required(array of )

          List of filters that matches to the endpoint.


        "totalElements": 1,
        "content": [
            "endpointId": "5a67aa97-1f5c-41eb-a066-8e004157062b",
            "createdDate": "2017-04-20T11:19:57.848Z",
            "appName": "bqa46oeg14m0thoh7g0l",
            "appVersion": {
              "name": "example_app_v1",
              "registeredDate": "2017-04-20T11:19:57.848Z"
            "metadata": {
              "OS": {
                "type": "Linux",
                "version": "4.10.6"
              "tag": {
                "id": "1"
              "anyJsonType": [
            "metadataUpdatedDate" : "2017-04-20T12:07:19.112Z",
            "filters": [

      HTTP status code 304

      Resource(s) not modified.

      HTTP status code 400

      Invalid request.


      Media type: application/json

      Type: object


      • message: required(string)

        Detailed error description.

      HTTP status code 403

      User does not have permissions to perform this operation.

      Secured by oauth_2_0


      • Authorization: optional (string)

        Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

      /endpoints/search post

      post /endpoints/search

      Searches endpoints.

      Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
      • endpoint:read

      EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.


      Media type: application/json

      Type: object


      • and: required(array of KeyValueFilter)


        Items: KeyValueFilter

        • key: required(string)

          Key. Supported keys: endpointId, appVersionName, appName, or any endpoint metadata key.

        • values: required(array of )

          Values that the key must be tested against.

        • operator: optional (one of IN, NOT_IN, IN_REGEX, NOT_IN_REGEX - default: IN)

          IN - matches if the key is equal to one of the value.
          NOT_IN - matches if the key is NOT equal to all the values.
          IN_REGEX - matches if the key matches one of the regex value.
          NOT_IN_REGEX - matches if the key does NOT match all the regex values.

      • or: required(array of KeyValueFilter)


        Items: KeyValueFilter

        • key: required(string)

          Key. Supported keys: endpointId, appVersionName, appName, or any endpoint metadata key.

        • values: required(array of )

          Values that the key must be tested against.

        • operator: optional (one of IN, NOT_IN, IN_REGEX, NOT_IN_REGEX - default: IN)

          IN - matches if the key is equal to one of the value.
          NOT_IN - matches if the key is NOT equal to all the values.
          IN_REGEX - matches if the key matches one of the regex value.
          NOT_IN_REGEX - matches if the key does NOT match all the regex values.


        "and": [
            "key": "OS",
            "operator": "IN",
            "values": [
            "key": "endpointId",
            "operator": "NOT_IN",
            "values": [

      HTTP status code 200


      Media type: application/json

      Type: object


      • totalElements: required(integer)

        Total number of elements available for retrieval. Current response may return only a part of all available elements.

      • content: required(array of Endpoint)

        Items: Endpoint

        • endpointId: required(string)

          Unique identifier of endpoint.

        • createdDate: required(datetime)

          Endpoint registration data in ISO 8601 format (UTC timezone).

        • appName: required(string)

          Application name that endpoint belongs to.

        • appVersion: required(object)

          Information about endpoint registration wthin specific application version.

          • name: required(string)

            Name of the application version.

          • registeredDate: required(datetime)

            Date when endpoint registration data was created within specific application version.

        • metadata: optional (object)

          Endpoint metadata consists of multiple key-value pairs (called fields) where keys are strings, and the values are of any JSON type.

          • metadataUpdatedDate: optional (datetime)

            Timestamp in ISO 8601 format (UTC timezone) showing when the endpoint metadata was last updated.

          • filters: required(array of )

            List of filters that matches to the endpoint.


          "totalElements": 1,
          "content": [
              "endpointId": "5a67aa97-1f5c-41eb-a066-8e004157062b",
              "createdDate": "2017-04-20T11:19:57.848Z",
              "appName": "bqa46oeg14m0thoh7g0l",
              "appVersion": {
                "name": "example_app_v1",
                "registeredDate": "2017-04-20T11:19:57.848Z"
              "metadata": {
                "OS": {
                  "type": "Linux",
                  "version": "4.10.6"
                "tag": {
                  "id": "1"
                "anyJsonType": [
              "metadataUpdatedDate" : "2017-04-20T12:07:19.112Z",
              "filters": [

        HTTP status code 400

        Invalid request.


        Media type: application/json

        Type: object


        • message: required(string)

          Detailed error description.

        Secured by oauth_2_0


        • Authorization: optional (string)

          Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

        /endpoints/delete post

        post /endpoints/delete

        Deletes endpoints in batch.

        Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
        • endpoint:delete

        EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.


        Media type: application/json

        Type: object


        • multiFilter: required(object)

          Multi-filter to delete endpoints by.

          • and: required(array of KeyValueFilter)


            Items: KeyValueFilter

            • key: required(string)

              Key. Supported keys: endpointId, appVersionName, appName, or any endpoint metadata key.

            • values: required(array of )

              Values that the key must be tested against.

            • operator: optional (one of IN, NOT_IN, IN_REGEX, NOT_IN_REGEX - default: IN)

              IN - matches if the key is equal to one of the value.
              NOT_IN - matches if the key is NOT equal to all the values.
              IN_REGEX - matches if the key matches one of the regex value.
              NOT_IN_REGEX - matches if the key does NOT match all the regex values.

          • or: required(array of KeyValueFilter)


            Items: KeyValueFilter

            • key: required(string)

              Key. Supported keys: endpointId, appVersionName, appName, or any endpoint metadata key.

            • values: required(array of )

              Values that the key must be tested against.

            • operator: optional (one of IN, NOT_IN, IN_REGEX, NOT_IN_REGEX - default: IN)

              IN - matches if the key is equal to one of the value.
              NOT_IN - matches if the key is NOT equal to all the values.
              IN_REGEX - matches if the key matches one of the regex value.
              NOT_IN_REGEX - matches if the key does NOT match all the regex values.


          "multiFilter": {
            "and": [
                "key": "OS",
                "operator": "IN",
                "values": [
                "key": "endpointId",
                "operator": "NOT_IN",
                "values": [

        HTTP status code 204

        Endpoints are successfully deleted.

        HTTP status code 400

        Invalid request.


        Media type: application/json

        Type: object


        • message: required(string)

          Detailed error description.

        Secured by oauth_2_0


        • Authorization: optional (string)

          Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

        /endpoints/batch post

        post /endpoints/batch

        Create a task to register a batch of endpoints within a specified application version.

        Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
        • application:endpoint:create

        EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.


        Media type: application/json

        Type: object


        • appVersion: required(object)
          • name: required(string)

            Name of the application version.

        • endpoints: required(array of EndpointRegistrationItem)

          Items: EndpointRegistrationItem

          • endpointToken: required(string - pattern: ^[^+#/.]+$)

            Endpoint token.
            Must be application-scope unique. Must not contain plus signs (+), number signs (#), forward slashes (/), or periods (.).

          • metadata: optional (object)

            Endpoint metadata consists of multiple key-value pairs (called fields) where keys are strings, and the values are of any JSON type.


            "appVersion": {
            "endpoints": [
                "endpointToken": "02226466-e744-48ac-8f0c-a57fe4e77de4",
                "metadata": {
                  "level": 3,
                  "room": 234
                "endpointToken": "02226466-e744-48ac-8f0c-a57fe4e35db2",
                "metadata": {
                  "level": 2,
                  "room": 125
                "endpointToken": "02226466-e744-48ac-8f0c-a57fe4f48d5f"

          HTTP status code 202

          Batch endpoint registration task is accepted.


          Media type: application/json

          Type: object


          • taskId: required(string)

            Batch endpoints registration task ID.



          HTTP status code 400

          Invalid request.


          Media type: application/json

          Type: object


          • message: required(string)

            Detailed error description.

          HTTP status code 403

          User does not have permissions to perform this operation.

          Secured by oauth_2_0


          • Authorization: optional (string)

            Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

          /endpoints/batch/status get

          get /endpoints/batch/status

          Returns batch endpoints registration task status.

          Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
          • application:endpoint:create

          EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.

          Query Parameters

          • appName: required(string)

            Application name.


          • taskId: required(string)

            Batch endpoint registration task ID.



          HTTP status code 200

          Batch endpoint registration task's status is successfully retrieved.


          Media type: application/json

          Type: object


          • createdCount: required(integer)

            Count of endpoints with successful registration.

          • failedCount: required(integer)

            Count of endpoints with failed registration.

          • created: required(array of CreatedBatchEndpointRegistrationItem)

            Array of endpoints with successful registration.

            Items: CreatedBatchEndpointRegistrationItem

            • endpointId: optional (string)

              Endpoint ID.

            • endpointToken: required(string)

              Endpoint token.

          • failed: required(array of FailedBatchEndpointRegistrationItem)

            Array of endpoints with failed registration.

            Items: FailedBatchEndpointRegistrationItem

            • endpointToken: required(string)

              Endpoint token.

            • statusReason: optional (string)

              Cause of failing endpoint registration.


            "createdCount": 2,
            "failedCount": 1,
            "created": [
                "endpointId": "56726466-e454-23ac-340c-f34fefda7de4",
                "endpointToken": "02226466-e744-48ac-8f0c-a57fe4e77de4"
                "endpointId": "56726466-e454-23ac-340c-f34fefda7df2",
                "endpointToken": "02226466-e744-48ac-8f0c-a57fe4e35db2"
            "failed": [
                "endpointToken": "02226466-e744-48ac-8f0c-a57fe4f48d5f",
                "statusReason": "Endpoint token already exists."

          HTTP status code 400

          Invalid request.


          Media type: application/json

          Type: object


          • message: required(string)

            Detailed error description.

          Secured by oauth_2_0


          • Authorization: optional (string)

            Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

          /endpoints/{endpointId} get delete

          get /endpoints/{endpointId}

          Returns endpoint information.

          Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
          • endpoint:read

          EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.

          URI Parameters

          • endpointId: required(string)

            Identifier of the endpoint to operate on.




          • If-None-Match: optional (string)

            Makes the request conditional.
            The server will send the requested endpoint with 200 status only if current ETag value doesn't match the specified one.
            Otherwise, 304 Not Modified status will be returned.


          • If-Modified-Since: optional (datetime)

            Makes the request conditional.
            The server will send the requested endpoint with 200 status only if current Last-Modified value doesn't match the specified one.
            Otherwise, 304 Not Modified status will be returned.


            Tue, 05 Sep 2017 08:21:44 GMT

          Query Parameters

          • tenantId: optional (string)

            ID of the tenant the endpoint belong to.


          • include: optional (one of metadata, filters)
            • `metadata` – include `metadata` fields and `metadataUpdatedDate` fields in response.
            • `filters` – include `matching_filters` fields in response.

              • By default, no metadata and filters are returned.

          HTTP status code 200

          Object successfully retrieved.


          • ETag: required(string)

            Represents the current endpoint state.
            The value can be used in If-Match and If-None-Match headers.


          • Last-Modified: required(datetime)

            The last modifcation date of endpoint.


            Tue, 05 Sep 2017 08:21:44 GMT


          Media type: application/json

          Type: object


          • endpointId: required(string)

            Unique identifier of endpoint.

          • createdDate: required(datetime)

            Endpoint registration data in ISO 8601 format (UTC timezone).

          • appName: required(string)

            Application name that endpoint belongs to.

          • appVersion: required(object)

            Information about endpoint registration wthin specific application version.

            • name: required(string)

              Name of the application version.

            • registeredDate: required(datetime)

              Date when endpoint registration data was created within specific application version.

          • metadata: optional (object)

            Endpoint metadata consists of multiple key-value pairs (called fields) where keys are strings, and the values are of any JSON type.

            • metadataUpdatedDate: optional (datetime)

              Timestamp in ISO 8601 format (UTC timezone) showing when the endpoint metadata was last updated.

            • filters: required(array of )

              List of filters that matches to the endpoint.


              "endpointId": "69c4c970-94ce-4608-bf36-736d16fdab82",
              "createdDate": "2017-04-20T11:19:57.848Z",
              "appName": "bqa46oeg14m0thoh7g0l",
              "appVersion": {
                "name": "example_app_v1",
                "registeredDate": "2017-04-20T11:19:57.848Z"
              "metadata": {
                "OS": {
                  "type": "Linux",
                  "version": "4.10.6"
                "tag": {
                  "id": "1"
                "anyJsonType": [
              "metadataUpdatedDate": "2017-04-20T15:01:12.144Z",
              "filters": [

            HTTP status code 304

            Resource(s) not modified.

            HTTP status code 400

            Invalid include query parameter.


            Media type: application/json

            Type: object


            • message: required(string)

              Detailed error description.

            HTTP status code 404

            Endpoint not found or querying user is not authorized for it.

            Secured by oauth_2_0


            • Authorization: optional (string)

              Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

            delete /endpoints/{endpointId}

            Deletes endpoint.

            Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
            • endpoint:delete

            EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.

            URI Parameters

            • endpointId: required(string)

              Identifier of the endpoint to operate on.



            HTTP status code 204

            Endpoint is successfully deleted.

            HTTP status code 404

            Endpoint not found or querying user is not authorized for it.

            Secured by oauth_2_0


            • Authorization: optional (string)

              Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

            /endpoints/{endpointId}/relations get

            get /endpoints/{endpointId}/relations

            Returns all available relations for the given endpoint ID.

            Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
            • endpoint:read

            EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.

            URI Parameters

            • endpointId: required(string)

              Identifier of the endpoint to operate on.



            Query Parameters

            • relation: required(one of contains, )

              Filters endpoints by relation type and its direction. contains will return all endpoints with the inbound direction coming from the querying endpont - e.g., if quering endpoint represents a room, this type of query will return all sensors in that room. !contains will return all endpoints with the outbound direction coming to the querying endpoint - e.g., if quering endpoint represents a sensor, this type of query will return a room that contains it.



            HTTP status code 200

            Endpoint relations successfully retrieved.


            Media type: application/json

            Type: array of string



            HTTP status code 403

            User does not have permissions to perform this operation.

            HTTP status code 404

            Endpoint not found.

            Secured by oauth_2_0


            • Authorization: optional (string)

              Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

            /endpoints/{endpointId}/app-version get put

            get /endpoints/{endpointId}/app-version

            Returns endpoint registration data within application version.

            Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
            • endpoint:read

            EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.

            URI Parameters

            • endpointId: required(string)

              Identifier of the endpoint to operate on.



            HTTP status code 200

            Endpoint registration data retrieved successfully.


            Media type: application/json

            Type: object


            • name: required(string)

              Name of the application version.

            • registeredDate: required(datetime)

              Date when endpoint registration data was created within specific application version.


              "name": "example_app_v1",
              "registeredDate": "2017-04-20T11:19:57.848Z"

            HTTP status code 404

            Endpoint not found or querying user is not authorized for it.

            Secured by oauth_2_0


            • Authorization: optional (string)

              Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

            put /endpoints/{endpointId}/app-version

            Updates endpoint registration data with the application version.

            Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
            • endpoint:update

            EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.

            URI Parameters

            • endpointId: required(string)

              Identifier of the endpoint to operate on.




            Media type: application/json

            Type: object


            • name: required(string)

              Name of the application version.



            HTTP status code 204

            Endpoint registration data updated successfully.

            HTTP status code 400

            Invalid application version name.


            Media type: application/json

            Type: object


            • message: required(string)

              Detailed error description.

            HTTP status code 404

            Endpoint not found or querying user is not authorized for it.

            Secured by oauth_2_0


            • Authorization: optional (string)

              Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

            /endpoints/{endpointId}/metadata get put patch

            get /endpoints/{endpointId}/metadata

            Returns all metadata or requested metadata keys (must be a non-empty string containing Latin letters, digits, and underscores only) for a specific endpoint.

            Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
            • endpoint:read

            EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.

            URI Parameters

            • endpointId: required(string)

              Identifier of the endpoint to operate on.




            • If-None-Match: optional (string)

              Makes the request conditional.
              The server will send the requested endpoint's metadata with 200 status only if current ETag value doesn't match the specified one.
              Otherwise, 304 Not Modified status will be returned.


            • If-Modified-Since: optional (datetime)

              Makes the request conditional.
              The server will send the requested endpoint's metadata with 200 status only if current Last-Modified value doesn't match the specified one.
              Otherwise, 304 Not Modified status will be returned.


              Tue, 05 Sep 2017 08:21:44 GMT

            Query Parameters

            • include: optional (string)

              Only fields that match any of the include parameters are returned.
              If not specified, all fields are returned.



            HTTP status code 200

            Endpoint metadata of the specified endpoint.


            • ETag: required(string)

              Represents the current endpoint's metadata state.
              The value can be used in If-Match and If-None-Match headers.


            • Last-Modified: required(datetime)

              The last modifcation date of endpoint's metadata.


              Tue, 05 Sep 2017 08:21:44 GMT


            Media type: application/json

            Type: object



            HTTP status code 304

            Resource(s) not modified.

            HTTP status code 400

            Metadata keys are not valid.

            HTTP status code 404

            Endpoint not found or querying user is not authorized for it.

            Secured by oauth_2_0


            • Authorization: optional (string)

              Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

            put /endpoints/{endpointId}/metadata

            Updates an endpoint metadata.
            Endpoint metadata consists of multiple key-value pairs (called fields) where keys must be non-empty strings containing Latin letters, digits, and underscores only, while the values can be of any JSON type.

            Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
            • endpoint:update

            EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.

            URI Parameters

            • endpointId: required(string)

              Identifier of the endpoint to operate on.




            • If-Match: optional (string)

              Makes the request conditional.
              The server will execute operation only if current ETag value matches the specified one.
              Otherwise, 412 Precondition Failed status will be returned.


            • If-Unmodified-Since: optional (datetime)

              Makes the request conditional.
              The server will execute operation only if current Last-Modified value matches the specified one.
              Otherwise, 412 Precondition Failed status will be returned.


              Tue, 05 Sep 2017 08:21:44 GMT

            Query Parameters

            • inheritedMetadata: optional (one of SKIP, UPDATE)

              Defines how inherited metadata should be handled.


            Media type: application/json

            Type: object



            HTTP status code 204

            Endpoint metadata successfully updated.

            HTTP status code 400

            Payload is not a JSON object or metadata keys are not valid.

            HTTP status code 404

            Endpoint not found or querying user is not authorized for it.

            HTTP status code 412

            At least one of the preconditions specified in If-Match or If-Unmodified-Since headers failed.

            Secured by oauth_2_0


            • Authorization: optional (string)

              Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

            patch /endpoints/{endpointId}/metadata

            Applies JSON Patch to the endpoint metadata. If no metadata exists, it is created. Metadata keys must be non-empty strings containing Latin letters, digits, and underscores only.

            Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
            • endpoint:update

            EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.

            URI Parameters

            • endpointId: required(string)

              Identifier of the endpoint to operate on.




            • If-Match: optional (string)

              Makes the request conditional.
              The server will execute operation only if current ETag value matches the specified one.
              Otherwise, 412 Precondition Failed status will be returned.


            • If-Unmodified-Since: optional (datetime)

              Makes the request conditional.
              The server will execute operation only if current Last-Modified value matches the specified one.
              Otherwise, 412 Precondition Failed status will be returned.


              Tue, 05 Sep 2017 08:21:44 GMT


            Media type: application/json-patch+json

            Type: array


              { "op": "add", "path": "/location", "value": {"city":"Kiev", "street":"Nyzhnoiurkivska"} },
              { "op": "remove", "path": "/anyJsonType/0"},
              { "op": "move", "from": "/OS", "path": "/tag" }

            HTTP status code 200

            Endpoint metadata successfully patched.


            Media type: application/json

            Type: object



            HTTP status code 400

            Invalid JSON Patch format or metadata keys are not valid.

            HTTP status code 404

            Endpoint not found or querying user is not authorized for it.

            HTTP status code 412

            At least one of the preconditions specified in If-Match or If-Unmodified-Since headers failed.

            Secured by oauth_2_0


            • Authorization: optional (string)

              Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

            /endpoints/{endpointId}/metadata/{metadataKey} get put delete

            get /endpoints/{endpointId}/metadata/{metadataKey}

            Returns metadata value for the specified key.

            Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
            • endpoint:read

            EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.

            URI Parameters

            • endpointId: required(string)

              Identifier of the endpoint to operate on.


            • metadataKey: required(string)

              Metadata key must be a non-empty string containing Latin letters, digits, and underscores only.



            HTTP status code 200

            Metadata value for the specified key.


            Media type: application/json

            Type: any


            A JSON object.:

              "kernel": "Linux",
              "version": 5

            A string value.:


            A boolean value.:


            A JSON array value.:


            A number value.:


            HTTP status code 400

            Bad request.

            HTTP status code 404

            Endpoint or metadata key not found or user is not authorized for the endpoint.


            Media type: application/json

            Type: object


            • message: required(string)

              Detailed error description.


            Endpoint not found.:

              "message": "No endpoint found."

            Metadata key not found.:

              "message": "No metadata key found."

            Secured by oauth_2_0


            • Authorization: optional (string)

              Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

            put /endpoints/{endpointId}/metadata/{metadataKey}

            Creates and updates single endpoint metadata field.

            Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
            • endpoint:update

            EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.

            URI Parameters

            • endpointId: required(string)

              Identifier of the endpoint to operate on.


            • metadataKey: required(string)

              Metadata key must be a non-empty string containing Latin letters, digits, and underscores only.




            Media type: application/json

            Type: any


            A JSON object.:

              "kernel": "Linux",
              "version": 5

            A string value.:


            A boolean value.:


            A JSON array value.:


            A number value.:


            HTTP status code 200

            Single endpoint metadata key-value pair successfully updated.


            Media type: application/json

            Type: any


            A JSON object.:

              "kernel": "Linux",
              "version": 5

            A string value.:


            A boolean value.:


            A JSON array value.:


            A number value.:


            HTTP status code 201

            Single endpoint metadata key-value pair successfully created.


            • Location: required(string)

              Location of the newly created endpoint metadata key-value pair. The format is as follows: {schema}://{host}:{port}/api/{version}/endpoints/{endpointId}/metadata/{metadataKey}




            Media type: application/json

            Type: any


            A JSON object.:

              "kernel": "Linux",
              "version": 5

            A string value.:


            A boolean value.:


            A JSON array value.:


            A number value.:


            HTTP status code 400

            Invalid JSON value or metadata key is not valid.

            HTTP status code 404

            Endpoint not found or querying user is not authorized for it.

            Secured by oauth_2_0


            • Authorization: optional (string)

              Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

            delete /endpoints/{endpointId}/metadata/{metadataKey}

            Deletes single endpoint metadata field for a specific endpoint.

            Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
            • endpoint:update

            EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.

            URI Parameters

            • endpointId: required(string)

              Identifier of the endpoint to operate on.


            • metadataKey: required(string)

              Metadata key must be a non-empty string containing Latin letters, digits, and underscores only.



            HTTP status code 204

            Endpoint metadata key successfully deleted.

            HTTP status code 400

            Invalid metadata key.

            HTTP status code 404

            Endpoint or metadata key not found or user is not authorized for the endpoint.


            Media type: application/json

            Type: object


            • message: required(string)

              Detailed error description.


            Endpoint not found.:

              "message": "No endpoint found."

            Metadata key not found.:

              "message": "No metadata key found."

            Secured by oauth_2_0


            • Authorization: optional (string)

              Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

            /endpoints/{endpointId}/metadata-keys get

            get /endpoints/{endpointId}/metadata-keys

            Returns all endpoint metadata keys for the specified endpoint.

            Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
            • endpoint:read

            EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.

            URI Parameters

            • endpointId: required(string)

              Identifier of the endpoint to operate on.




            • If-None-Match: optional (string)

              Makes the request conditional.
              The server will send the requested metadata keys with 200 status only if current ETag value doesn't match the specified one.
              Otherwise, 304 Not Modified status will be returned.



            HTTP status code 200

            Array that contains all metadata fields.


            • ETag: required(string)

              Represents the current metadata keys state.
              The value can be used in If-Match and If-None-Match headers.




            Media type: application/json

            Type: array of string



            HTTP status code 304

            Resource(s) not modified.

            HTTP status code 404

            Endpoint not found or querying user is not authorized for it.

            Secured by oauth_2_0


            • Authorization: optional (string)

              Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.


            Operations on endpoint filters.

            /applications/{applicationName}/filters get post

            get /applications/{applicationName}/filters

            Returns endpoint filters for a specific application.

            Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
            • application:endpoint-filter:read

            EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.

            URI Parameters

            • applicationName: required(string)

              Application name




            • If-None-Match: optional (string)

              Makes the request conditional.
              The server will send the requested endpoint's filters with 200 status only if current ETag value doesn't match the specified one.
              Otherwise, 304 Not Modified status will be returned.



            Query Parameters

            • name: optional (string)

              Filter name

            • offset: optional (integer)

              Start index that the server should return data from.


            • limit: optional (integer - default: 1000)

              Maximum number of items to return. To get all items limit must be 0.



            HTTP status code 200

            Endpoint filters retrieved successfully.


            • ETag: required(string)

              Represents the current filters state.
              The value can be used in If-Match and If-None-Match headers.




            Media type: application/json

            Type: object


            • totalElements: required(integer)

              Total number of elements available for retrieval. Current response may return only a part of all available elements.

            • content: required(array of EndpointFilter)

              Items: EndpointFilter

              • id: required(string)

                Endpoint filter ID.

              • name: required(string)

                Endpoint filter name, unique in scope of application.

              • description: required(string)

                Endpoint filter description.

              • mongoQuery: required(object)

                Mongo query used for filtering endpoins by application version and metadata keys.

                • createdDate: required(datetime)

                  Endpoint filter creation timestamp in ISO 8601 format (UTC timezone).

                • updatedDate: required(datetime)

                  Endpoint filter last update timstamp in ISO 8601 format (UTC timezone).

                • matchedEndpointsCount: required(integer)

                  Amount of endpoints that matches the filter criteria.

                • status: required(one of pending, active)

                  Endpoint filter status.

                  • `pending` - endpoint filter matching to endpoints is in progress
                  • `active` - endpoint filter matching to endpoints is finished


                "totalElements": 2,
                "content": [
                    "id": "79c717d9-eedd-4f71-b9f8-86caf7e309e4",
                    "createdDate": "2017-04-21T12:09:57.848Z",
                    "updatedDate": "2017-04-22T19:45:00.112Z",
                    "name": "app1-1_key1GreaterThanZero",
                    "description": "Some description.",
                    "mongoQuery": {
                      "$and": [
                          "application_version_name": "app1-1"
                          "metadata": {
                            "$elemMatch": {
                              "key": "key1",
                              "value": {
                                "$gt": 0
                    "status": "active"
                    "id": "1dc01725-b9d9-41a7-aa28-75a110b89d90",
                    "createdDate": "2017-05-03T05:17:59.789Z",
                    "updatedDate": "2017-06-17T07:18:14.431Z",
                    "description": "Some description.",
                    "mongoQuery": {
                      "metadata": {
                        "$elemMatch": {
                          "key": "key2",
                          "value": 2
                    "status": "pending"

              HTTP status code 304

              Resource(s) not modified.

              HTTP status code 404

              Resource not found.


              Media type: application/json

              Type: object


              • message: required(string)

                Detailed error description.

              Secured by oauth_2_0


              • Authorization: optional (string)

                Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

              post /applications/{applicationName}/filters

              Creates an endpoint filter in specific application.

              Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
              • application:endpoint-filter:create

              EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.

              URI Parameters

              • applicationName: required(string)

                Application name




              Media type: application/json

              Type: object


              • name: required(string)

                Endpoint filter name, unique in scope of application.

              • description: optional (string)

                Endpoint filter description.

              • mongoQuery: required(object)

                Mongo query used for filtering endpoins by application version and metadata keys.


                  "description": "Filters all endpoints with the 'key1' greater than '0'",

                HTTP status code 201

                Endpoint filter successfully created.


                • ETag: required(string)

                  Represents the current filter state.
                  The value can be used in If-Match and If-None-Match headers.


                • Location: required(string)

                  URI in format {schema}://{host}:{port}/api/v1/applications/{applicationName}/filters/{filterId}



                HTTP status code 400

                Invalid or missing query


                Media type: application/json

                Type: object


                • message: required(string)

                  Detailed error description.

                HTTP status code 404

                Resource not found.


                Media type: application/json

                Type: object


                • message: required(string)

                  Detailed error description.

                HTTP status code 409

                Endpoint filter with such name already exists in specified application.


                Media type: application/json

                Type: object


                • message: required(string)

                  Detailed error description.


                  "message": "Endpoint filter with such name already exists in specified application."

                Secured by oauth_2_0


                • Authorization: optional (string)

                  Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

                /applications/{applicationName}/filters/{filterId} patch get delete

                patch /applications/{applicationName}/filters/{filterId}

                Updates an endpoint filter.

                Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
                • application:endpoint-filter:update

                EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.

                URI Parameters

                • applicationName: required(string)

                  Application name


                • filterId: required(string)

                  Endpoint filter ID, unique in scope of application.




                • If-Match: optional (string)

                  Makes the request conditional.
                  The server will execute operation only if current ETag value matches the specified one.
                  Otherwise, 412 Precondition Failed status will be returned.




                Media type: application/json

                Type: object


                • name: optional (string)

                  Endpoint filter name, unique in scope of application.

                • description: optional (string)

                  Endpoint filter description.

                • mongoQuery: optional (object)

                  Mongo query used for filtering endpoins by application version and metadata keys.


                    "description": "Filters all endpoints with the 'key1' greater than '0'",

                  HTTP status code 204

                  Endpoint filter successfully updated.

                  HTTP status code 400

                  Invalid request.


                  Media type: application/json

                  Type: object


                  • message: required(string)

                    Detailed error description.

                  HTTP status code 404

                  Application or endpoint filter not found.


                  Media type: application/json

                  Type: object


                  • message: required(string)

                    Detailed error description.


                  Application is not found.:

                    "message": "Unknown application name!"

                  Endpoint filter not found.:

                    "message": "Endpoint filter not found."

                  HTTP status code 409

                  Endpoint filter with such name already exists in specified application.


                  Media type: application/json

                  Type: object


                  • message: required(string)

                    Detailed error description.


                    "message": "Endpoint filter with such name already exists in specified application."

                  HTTP status code 412

                  Precondition specified in If-Match header failed.

                  Secured by oauth_2_0


                  • Authorization: optional (string)

                    Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

                  get /applications/{applicationName}/filters/{filterId}

                  Returns an endpoint filter.

                  Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
                  • application:endpoint-filter:read

                  EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.

                  URI Parameters

                  • applicationName: required(string)

                    Application name


                  • filterId: required(string)

                    Endpoint filter ID, unique in scope of application.




                  • If-None-Match: optional (string)

                    Makes the request conditional.
                    The server will send the requested filter with 200 status only if current ETag value doesn't match the specified one.
                    Otherwise, 304 Not Modified status will be returned.



                  HTTP status code 200

                  Endpoint filter retrieved successfully.


                  • ETag: required(string)

                    Represents the current filter state.
                    The value can be used in If-Match and If-None-Match headers.




                  Media type: application/json

                  Type: object


                  • id: required(string)

                    Endpoint filter ID.

                  • name: required(string)

                    Endpoint filter name, unique in scope of application.

                  • description: required(string)

                    Endpoint filter description.

                  • mongoQuery: required(object)

                    Mongo query used for filtering endpoins by application version and metadata keys.

                    • createdDate: required(datetime)

                      Endpoint filter creation timestamp in ISO 8601 format (UTC timezone).

                    • updatedDate: required(datetime)

                      Endpoint filter last update timstamp in ISO 8601 format (UTC timezone).

                    • matchedEndpointsCount: required(integer)

                      Amount of endpoints that matches the filter criteria.

                    • status: required(one of pending, active)

                      Endpoint filter status.

                      • `pending` - endpoint filter matching to endpoints is in progress
                      • `active` - endpoint filter matching to endpoints is finished


                      "id": "79c717d9-eedd-4f71-b9f8-86caf7e309e4",
                      "createdDate": "2017-04-21T12:09:57.848Z",
                      "updatedDate": "2017-04-22T19:45:00.112Z",
                      "name": "app1-1_key1GreaterThanZero",
                      "description": "Some description.",
                      "mongoQuery": {
                        "$and": [
                            "application_version_name": "app1-1"
                            "metadata": {
                              "$elemMatch": {
                                "key": "key1",
                                "value": {
                                  "$gt": 0
                      "status": "active",

                    HTTP status code 304

                    Resource(s) not modified.

                    HTTP status code 404

                    Application or endpoint filter not found.


                    Media type: application/json

                    Type: object


                    • message: required(string)

                      Detailed error description.


                    Application is not found.:

                      "message": "Unknown application name!"

                    Endpoint filter not found.:

                      "message": "Endpoint filter not found."

                    Secured by oauth_2_0


                    • Authorization: optional (string)

                      Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.

                    delete /applications/{applicationName}/filters/{filterId}

                    Deletes an endpoint filter.

                    Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
                    • application:endpoint-filter:delete

                    EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.

                    URI Parameters

                    • applicationName: required(string)

                      Application name


                    • filterId: required(string)

                      Endpoint filter ID, unique in scope of application.




                    • If-Match: optional (string)

                      Makes the request conditional.
                      The server will execute operation only if current ETag value matches the specified one.
                      Otherwise, 412 Precondition Failed status will be returned.



                    HTTP status code 204

                    Endpoint filter successfully deleted.

                    HTTP status code 404

                    Application or endpoint filter not found.


                    Media type: application/json

                    Type: object


                    • message: required(string)

                      Detailed error description.


                    Application is not found.:

                      "message": "Unknown application name!"

                    Endpoint filter not found.:

                      "message": "Endpoint filter not found."

                    HTTP status code 412

                    Precondition specified in If-Match header failed.

                    Secured by oauth_2_0


                    • Authorization: optional (string)

                      Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.


                    Operations on applications.

                    /applications/{applicationName}/metadata-keys get

                    get /applications/{applicationName}/metadata-keys

                    Returns all endpoint metadata keys set for endpoints in a given application.

                    Secured by oauth_2_0 with scopes:
                    • application:endpoints-metadata-keys:read

                    EPR supports OAuth 2.0 for authenticating all API requests.

                    URI Parameters

                    • applicationName: required(string)

                      Application name to operate on.



                    HTTP status code 200

                    Metadata keys is successfully retrieved.


                    Media type: application/json

                    Type: object


                    • appName: required(object)

                      Application name.

                      • appVersionName: required(array of )

                        Application version name.


                      "smart_kettle_v1": [
                      "smart_kettle_v2": [

                    HTTP status code 404

                    Given application doesn't exist or user is not authorized for it

                    Secured by oauth_2_0


                    • Authorization: optional (string)

                      Used to send a valid OAuth 2 access token. Example: "Authorization: Bearer 'access_token'" where 'access_token' must be replaced by a valid OAuth access token. This header is needed only if API authentication is enabled for the service.


                    Operations on relations between endpoints.

                    /relations/link put

                    /relations/unlink put